Thursday, February 1, 2007

A little movement...can go a long way.

Well this write up is going to be pretty short, b/c its late and I want to go to bed. Had a deathly boring day at work today, and then headed over to George's to work on my bike positioning....we put on a new seat, well an old school seat, but its new to me. We changed the seat height a little bit and my positioning of my cleats. I noticed a difference in my pedaling stroke, and saw the difference on how I could be too far back behind the pedals. Anyway, after that 2.75 hr adjustment, I came home and jumped on the trainer and hour. And it went something like this.

10 minute warm up
40 minutes of base mile riding
( With in that 40 minutes I did one leg pedal drills, 1 minute each, with each foot, 3 times.)
10 minute cool down

Time: 1:00
Distance 16.7 miles
Avg HR 135
Max HR 162
Avg Cad 92
Max Cad 104

My legs were a little sore later in the day from sitting around all day. I think it was a little bit of lactic acid build up from the leg work out the other night. Nothing to worry about though, I don't think it effected anything, and I will see how I feel in the morning.

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