Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day

Snow day today, didn't have to go to work, but I am thinking I will have to go tomorrow. So I got a little extra sleep today, and I felt great when I woke up. Resting HR was 51. Shoveled the driveway a total of three times today, we have an insane amount of snow and its just blowing and drifting all over the place. Anyway I got 1 hr and 15 minutes in on the trainer this after noon and did some OLP Drills, they still suck.

Ride Stats listed below.

Ride Time : 1:15
Distance : 22.98 miles
Avg HR: 140
Max HR 168
Avg Cad 92
Max Cad 130
Avg spd 18.4
Max Speed 24.1
Resting HR 51

I found that my left leg is more efficient during OLP than my right leg. And my left leg can turn about 5-10 rpms higher than my right leg. Need to practice to get both at the same efficiency, and be able to go the entire minute with out really hurting.

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