Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another Garage Day

Well, its officially been three weeks since I last rode outside. I'm starting to get really sick of the trainer, and my motivation is slipping a bit. But hopefully the weather coming up this week, will allow for some time outside this weekend.

Anyway, I went over to Greg's this morning and did 1hr 40 min on the trainer with Tempo as my focus again today. My motivation was pretty bleak, but I got through it just fine. Morning HR this morning was 53. I noticed that i had a lot of trouble getting my HR up today and rode mostly in my 130's zone. Even though my HR was having a bit of trouble, my legs felt fairly heavy and tired today. I'm hoping with some proper rest and a recovery day tomorrow, I will be refreshed and ready to go on Tuesday. Had some slight discomfort in the fronts of both my knees today. Haven't had any in quite a long time, we'll see if it continues.

Ride Stats:
Ride Time: 1:40
Dist: 31.6 miles
Avg HR 134
Max HR 167
Avg Cad 88
Max Cad 102
Avg Spd 19
Max Spd 23.8
Kcal 1054

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