Thursday, February 15, 2007

Getting Busy

Well today was my first day back at work after all the snow, and it was a good first day in the office. After an 1 hr and 25 minute drive home from work I got on and did the tempo ride tonight. HR this morning was a low 52. Tempo ride stats are below...this is a short posting

Ride Time: 1:15
Dist: 22.25 miles
Avg Cad 85
Max Cad 111
Avg HR 139
Max HR 170
Avg Spd 17.8
Max Spd 24.6
Kcal 867

Legs felt a little loaded half way through the tempo ride. I was switching between a 53x12 and a 53x13-14 at 2% grade for most of the time to try and keep my cadence between 70-75. I had a little trouble pegging my HR today in that 4 beat window, today it was more like a 6 beat window, but for the most part I had it in the zone, dropping a little below every once in a while but I was able to get it back up and hold it. Overall, even though a little hard today and annoying, it was a good ride overall.

"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." -Prefontaine.

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