Sunday, February 11, 2007

And then there were two...

Went over to Greg's again this morning, on another frigid day, with the plan of doing 1 hr 45 minutes, with some base and muscle tension combined. I noticed that my HR was a little high this morning, sitting at about 57 bpm, and I thought it was from yesterdays work out and all the walking I did at the mall in the afternoon. We started the ride and I could feel a burn in my legs, but noticed that my HR was staying pretty low, but it seemed like I was working harder than my HR was indicating. A first sign that I may have recovered cardio wise, but not muscle wise in my legs. Well the ride today consisted of:
15 minute warm up
50 minutes of base miles
20 minutes of muscle tension
15 minute cool down

I propped up the trainer about 4 inches off the ground and did both muscle tension intervals for 8 minutes, in a 53x13 gear @ 55 rpms with 9 minutes rest between the 2 intervals.

We'll see how my legs feel and I recover tomorrow, after my first day of work at my new job.

Time: 1:45
Dist 36.7 miles
Avg HR131
Max HR 160
AVG Cad 89
Max Cad 110
Avg Speed 20.9
Max Speed 28.2
Morning HR 57

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