Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"We're Kind of like 7 11......

.....We're not always doing business, but we're always open."

Today was a pretty boring day, nothing to exciting going on. Nothing to do at work today, and it basically felt like an eternity. I'm just dragging out my remaining days in this position before I move to my new job in the middle of February. Anyway, I finished the day, came home and was super hungry again for some reason. So I grabbed a light dinner, and headed off the the gym. Tonight was a leg work out. Leg press, Calf Raises, Hamstrings, Lunges, Leg Extensions.....and then home to the rollers. I kept my leg workout pretty basic tonight, nothing too heavy, and worked on form and exploding through the rep. After my work out I came home and got on the rollers for 40 minutes. I kept it easy for the first 10 minutes, and then began to pick it up for the next 25 minutes, with a light cool down the last 5 minutes. I kept my RPM's pretty high tonight in a fairly easy gear. Mostly in my 39 x 16 and a little in my 39 x 15. My AVG Cadence was 98, and my Max Cadence was 115. Avg HR was 130, and my max HR was 146. Distance was 10.02 miles.

My weight work out was strictly lower body consisting of the following:
Leg Press.
1 set @ 135lbs 10 reps
1 set 185lbs 12 reps
2 sets @225lbs 10 reps
1 set @ 185lbs 10 reps

Calf Raises-done on the Leg Press Machine
3 sets 15 reps @ 185lbs

1 set 12 reps @ 105 lbs
2 sets 10 reps @ 120lbs

2 sets 16 reps w/ 20 lbs dumbbells
2 sets 16 reps -no weights.

Leg Extension
2 sets 10 reps @ 75 lbs
2 sets 10 reps @ 90 lbs

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