Monday, January 29, 2007

Ultimately a Recovery Day

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I took my HR by finger and time this morning instead of with my HR monitor, and found it to be around 54 bpm. My legs felt pretty good, no achyness, or tiredness in them as the day went on. I was up and down the stairs today a number of times and they felt pretty good. One problem though was I had an awful headache most of the day, and for some reason could not get enough water. I drank 7 bottles of water from the time I got to work until the time I left. And still have had another 3 glasses since I have been home. MY headache is gradually going away, yet I am still fairly thirsty. I decided to take the day off and hope this headache will go away, and hit it hard tomorrow. Goal tonight, is to get plenty of sleep and prepare for tomorrow's festivities.

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