Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Starting on the Trainer

January 17, 2007

This is the start to my cycling blog, the intent of this blog, is to track my cycling progress and work out data.

Tonight was my first night trying out the new trainer. I got on for 90 minutes, and varied my efforts to make the time go by faster. I felt pretty good before the ride, and my legs felt pretty strong. I wasn't intending to ride tonight, but I didn't get home from work until much later, and so I decided to forego the weight room, and ride instead. I got my new ipod loaded up with songs, and set up the trainer in the garage. It's a wind/magnetic trainer, and so it tends to be a little loud, and riding in the basement was out of the question. So I cranked up the music and started my ride.

I warmed up for 15 minutes and gradually raised my HR to the upper end (130) of my recovery zone. After 15 minutes I i gradually increased my HR and raised my cadence in a slightly larger gear. For the next hour I rode with my HR in my Endurance Miles zone, and did some hill simulation and high cadence simulation to make the time go by a little faster. After an hour I cooled down for the final 15 minutes. Overall the ride was pretty good, once my legs got warmed up they felt strong and my HR remained fairly low in my zone. The only thing that bothered me, were the front of my knees, no pain, but more of an annoyance pulling feeling in each tendon in the front of both of my knees. So after the ride I took some IBproferin and iced for 20 minutes. I plan on continuing this and hopefully the discomfort will soon go away.

Ride Stats:
Time: 1:30
Distance: 25.52 miles
Max Speed: 26.5mph
AVG Speed: Approx 17 mph
AVG HR: 138 bpm
Max HR 160
AVG Cadence 94
Max Cadence 144
KCal: 1086 approx.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I thought you were doing this on Tuesday night?