Well let's start in reverse tonight, from my trip home then back to the ride. To make a long story short, I decided to around this POS van doing 30 in a 45 on the way home heading up through Whitestown, b/c I thought it might be faster. Well it went from 45 to 25 with no warning, and guess what, there was a cop sitting there waiting for me. So I got pulled over, and just before the cop came up to the window, the lady I passed pulled up next to me with her window down, and yelled HAHA. Anyway, the guy was pretty cool and let me off with a verbal warning, so all is well that ends well. Now back to the important stuff, the ride today. I set out doing some EM miles and with SS mixed in, two intervals of 10 minutes a piece keeping my HR between 170 and 173. The wind was strong out of the East tonight, so it was a decent side wind. I cranked it up in a 53x16, and headed north starting this SS about 40 minutes into my ride, when I hit 170 it was surprisingly easy to peg my HR and I held it at pretty much 171 and 172. It wasn't too difficult but became very annoying at the end, I was starting to tire a bit. I really practiced scrapping the mud off the bottom of my shoes today, and I noticed my speed went up and the load off my thighs was gone, however it was wreaking havoc on my hamstrings. So I was sitting in the low 170s and my speed was in between upper 22 and upper 23's, the same speeds I was running in my TT with a HR much higher. I guess that shoes how much better I can do when I focus on smooth strokes. However by the end of the ride my quads were quite tired and I felt like I had been mashing all day, but I think it was b/c I was turning a much bigger gear than I usually do, and not spinning it up today. Overall, the ride was pretty good, even though by the end of it heading back south, the wind had turned almost dead out of the south it seemed, and it was tough into the wind. Now its time for recovery, and lots of hydrating. Ride Stats below:
Time: 1:32
Avg HR 145
Max HR 173
Avg Cad 90
Max Cad 115
Max Spd 30.6
Avg Spd 18.1
Morning HR 51
Kcal 1106
Strong wind out of the east tonight about 12 mph.
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